Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sharing - Shared Reading

When Shared Reading started at Umang in VIDYA, we just did not know what to expect. It looks fun, vibrant, and such energy, but we didn’t know if we can have uninhibited participation from all our children. But a few sessions old today, I can share that Shared Reading is an gem of an addition to our Program.

Shared Reading is done with Big Books, which are blown up representation of small story books with big drawings and more colour! Big Books are created so that the stories can be read out to a group of children together. Drama, sound and action reinforce meanings and language usage is followed by session on creative art expression, or writing and closing the session the children are encouraged to look through numerous story books.

The animated voices from the story, little elements of drama and freestyle body movements bring out the children in all of us alike and such joy with the kids! The children are asked to act out words, lines and stories and sometimes just be themselves. When one of first sessions ended a little chick made an appearance from one of the volunteers pouches and asked what the kids will do next? They all shouted, “Study” and “me too” said the chick. The chick is a regular at the sessions nowadays.

I reckon, somethings are just instant hit!